Manufactured: 1984 - 1997
Colours: Silver and Black
The most basic of the range, this cartridge was available to be specified for those decks not fitted with a cartridge as standard such as the Beogram RX.
It could be differentiated by its cantilever which was a straight non tapered aluminium tube.
MMC5 Product Specifications
Description Titanium-bonded elliptical diamond, mounted on a straight aluminium cantilever
Tracking force - grams 1.5
Diamond Stylus Elliptical
Cantilever tube Straight alum.
Effective tip mass mg 0,5
Compliance mg/mN 20
Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 3
Channel separation 1000>dB 20
Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6
Cartridge weight gram 1,6
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Created: 28th January 2007
Modified: 15th February 2007
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