Manufactured: 1985 - 1996
Designer: Jacob Jensen
Colours: Silver and Black
The MMC2 was the replacement in the B&O line up for the very successful MMC20CL.
Like the MMC1, it boasted a sapphire tubular cantilever and line contact diamond. It was fitted as standard to the top of the range Beograms such as the 8002 and the 7000.
MMC2 Product Specifications
Nude multi-radial Contact Line diamond, mounted on a sapphire cantilever
Tracking force - grams 1
Diamond Stylus Cont. line nude
Cantilever tube Sapphire
Effective tip mass mg 0,3
Compliance mg/mN 30
Frequency 20-20000 Hz=/-dB 1,5
Channel separation 1000>dB 25
Output mV/cm/s RMS 0,6
Cartridge weight gram 1,6
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Created: 15th January 2007
Modified: 15th February 2007
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