Big Clamper or Small Clamper ?

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The question that is commonly asked when describing a BeoSound Ouverture or BeoSound 3000 is "Does it have a Large or Small Clamper?"

Most peoples reaction is "What on earth does that mean?" - so here is a quick guide to how to tell.

Basically, the clamper holds the CD in place - and in an effort to make it more stylish when in use, Bang & Olufsen decided to facelift the Ouverture and 3000 in 2001 by making the clamper larger, with a new Matt Grey finish as opposed to the previously used Milled Aluminium effect.

This almost completely obscured the CD when it was spinning, giving a very motionless and clean 'feel' to the unit. However, some people prefer the small clamper as they can see their CD playing. Its all down to personal choice, but obviously if you are looking to buy as new a model as possible - you ought to be looking for a large clapmer version.

We hope this clears the question up!

Reference: 77
Created: 29th March 2007
Modified: 29th March 2007

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