Why doesn't my tape recoder work with my remote?
All remote control signals work through a Beomaster.
If you source unit (Tape recorder, Beogram or CD player) is attached and has datalink and the Beomaster also is Datalink enabled, the first thing to do is check the cable. B&O utilise the DIN standard of connectors and for Datalink, this means a 7 pin DIN cable. The bottom two pins (6&7) carry the Datalink transmissions.
These are sometimes unscrewed when the unit is used with a non datalink product and people can forget to put them back. If you discover that this is the case, and that you don't know where the pins are, there could be a solution! Only on datalink pin is actually used! For CD players, Tape players and Beograms with a built in RIAA, pin 7 is the active one. For Beograms without an RIAA, pin 6 is active.
Borrow a pin from another lead or from the other end of the cable if it is two ended!
Reference: 50
Created: 2nd March 2007
Modified: 6th March 2007