Which Record Player will work with my system?

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If your system dates from before the Beocenter 9500, it is likely it has a special input designed to take a record player. If so, the world of Beograms is open to you! All of the Beomasters utilising datalink will work with all the decks except:

Beomaster 4500

Beomaster 3500

Beomaster 6500

Beomaster 7000

These Beomasters require a deck with a built in pre-amplifier known as a RIAA. The decks so fitted are not suitable for the other Beomasters. They are:

Beogram 3500

Beogram 4500

Beogram 6500

Beogram 7000

These decks have the additional advantage of being able to work with the Beocenters made after the Beocenter 9500 and Beosound music players. For instance:

Beocenter 9300

Beocenter 2500

Beocenter 2300

BeoSound Ouverture

BeoSound 3000

Beosound 3200

BeoSound 9000

The Beocenter 2 will also require one of these decks but does not have a DIN socket for an AUX input.

There are a couple of oddities in the range. The Beogram 6000 quad is fitted with a CD4 demodulator which produces 4 output channels at line level and can be used as a stereo deck with the above systems as well - and very stylish it is too!

Reference: 42
Created: 1st March 2007
Modified: 30th September 2007

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