I broke my Remote Controller - can it be fixed?

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The answer for the more modern Remotes is YES, but parts for the older Remotes will not be available any more.

As of writing this article (March 2006), ALL parts for the Beo4 Remote are available (from the button pad to the PCB!), most parts for the Beolink 1000, and some parts for the Beolink 7000. All other parts for remotes and MCP's are probably not available - but do check wwith your dealer first before giving up!

Beo4's can also be upgraded to the latest spec too by replacing the PCB and Button Pad - speak to your nearest Bang & Olufsen service department for details and costs.

BeoWorld | Everything Bang & Olufsen

Reference: 34
Created: 21st February 2007
Modified: 21st February 2007

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