Connect non-B&O products to a 7-Pin DIN socket

How do I connect a non B&O products to my Bang & Olufsen's 7-pin DIN socket?
There are various adapters that you can buy. Most home audio products (and non-B&O TVs) have RCA (also called phono or cinch) sockets fitted, you you just need a twin RCA to DIN cable connected from the Line Out or Tape Out sockets of the non-B&O product to the Aux or Tape socket of the B&O system for playback of sound into the B&O system.
An alternate method is to use a 5-pin-DIN to 4 RCA adapter (as pictured) if you need both recording and playback from your non-B&O device.
It is worth noting that the 5 pin DIN plugs fitted to many iPod Input Cables and RCA Input Cables will fit perfectly and work correctly in both 5 pin and 7 pin DIN sockets. The extra 2 pins in the 7 pin socket are only used to pass data between B&O products, so they are not required when non-B&O inputs are connected. The alignment of the pins is identical for both 5 and 7 pin sockets, so the 5 pin plugs are ideal for both the older (5 pin) and the newer (7 pin) input sockets.
You can obtain these cables (and any advice you may need) from LifeStyle AV or Sounds Heavenly Cables, who sponsor the BeoWorld Forums.
Reference: 28
Created: 17th January 2007
Modified: 29th May 2012