Can BeoWorld give me a PIN Code?

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I have lost my product PIN code. Can you give it to me?

No. Under no circumstances will BeoWorld or any of its representatives give out PIN codes. These Personal Identification Numbers are secret and are there to foil would-be thiefs from stealing Bang & Olufsen Audio and Video Products. PIN codes have been in use in most B&O products since around 1999. Only products' rightful owners have knowledge of these personal codes and these should never be given out to anyone else.

If you have forgotten your PIN-code then you need to contact the B&O dealer from where you originally bought your item.

If you have bought items which are PIN-code protected, and the owner has not given the code to you, then return the item to them.

There is a list of more recent stolen products onsite.

Reference: 24
Created: 15th January 2007
Modified: 19th February 2007

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