Karsten Nielsen - CTO, ICEpower a/s

Karsten Nielsen
Founder, Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Bang & Olufsen ICEpower A/S
Aiming for ideal audio power conversion, the newly established company, Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s has already come far. For the first time in the 75-year of Bang & Olufsen history, a private person has been granted joint ownership. This joint venture between Bang & Olufsen a/s and the ICEpower inventor, Ph.D. Karsten Nielsen, is the perfect combination. The established organisation with its experience and well-known quality products turns the ideas of the young entrepreneurial scientist into reality.
As the result of many years of fundamental research within the field of audio power conversion, Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s was founded in 1999. The hard work was turned into technology platforms and the exploration of a wide range of ICEpower applications could begin.
Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s is reality and the lines are drawn for further revolutionary research and development. Successfully, the first audio power amplifier products have been marketed, and Bang & Olufsen ICEpower a/s is moving closer towards the vision for ICEpower to be used everywhere!
Created: 15th January 2007
Modified: 6th April 2007