Stolen Bang & Olufsen Products Register

Stolen Bang & Olufsen Products' Register
BeoWorld | Helping you to reclaim your property!
Working together to combat crime!
With so many people buying second-hand Bang & Olufsen goods on the Internet from auction sites (and very often not knowing these items' pedigrees) it's good to have a quick source of reference in order to allow prospective purchasers to check to see if they have been reported as stolen. However, this scheme will only work where users report their stolen products to us.
How does it work?
Report your stolen Bang & Olufsen to us and we'll place it here on this page. Let us know what was stolen, a brief description of the item (including colours, markings and other discernable features), where and when it was stolen and most importantly - its serial number. You must also give us your email address or any other contact details.
To add a stolen product, please email us.
What to do if you come across a stolen product
If you do happen to know the whereabouts of items listed here then please report to your local Police station as soon as possible quoting this Web site as your source of reference. Please note that BeoWorld cannot become involved reclaiming stolen property - you are advised to contact your local Police for assistance. This service is provided to users as a way of tackling crime and attempting to return items to their rightful owners.
BeoVision 7 - 32" c/w Speaker and Motor Floor Stand stolen in North West London mid August 2007
Beovision 7-32 - 18429151
Beolab 7-1 - 18457923
Floor stand - 18475365
Created: 12th January 2007
Modified: 5th September 2007