Quarterly Prize Draw

The BeoWorld Quarterly Prize Draw
Is it YOUR turn to be lucky?
Each month on BeoWorld we will have a superb Prize Draw, offering not only the latest and most desirable Bang & Olufsen products - but also some rare and classic pre-owned items that you just cannot find out there! This is your chance to win some Free Bang & Olufsen products, which is our way of saying thank you for supporting the site.
Being a Gold Level member ensures automatic entry into the draw for the whole 12 month duration of your membership - so sign up now, sit back - and relax in the knowledge that your name will be in the draw every three months for the next year!
See the Prize Draw for this quarter by clicking here.
The chances of winning a prize are high, so may all of us at BeoWorld wish you the very best of luck - and remember, the more people that join as Gold Members, the bigger the Prize Fund and the better the Prizes will be!!
Created: 12th January 2007
Modified: 3rd March 2019