Bang & Olufsen - From 'Vision to Legend' book

Bang & Olufsen, founded in 1925 by two young Danish engineers, Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen, was set up to build radio sets for the newly-emerging radio industry.
The company's history, told in a new publication: 'Bang & Olufsen - From Vision to Legend' , was published in order to celebrate their seventy-fifth year and includes a traumatic event in World War II that nearly brought the company to collapse. Danish saboteurs, with help from German occupying forces, blew up theStruer factory in retaliation for the company's refusal to work with the Germans and their role in the Danish resistance. Bang & Olufsen survived the setback and the company flourished.
In 1978, Bang & Olufsen was honoured by New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (see Exhibitions 1) with a special exhibit displaying their products and in 2000, in honour of their three-quarters of a century existence, they hosted the "Vision and Legend" exhibition at the Danish Design Centre in Copenhagen, opening just before the ribbon was cut on the new Oresund Bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark.
The book: 'Bang & Olufsen - From Vision to Legend' by Jens Bang (Denmark 2000) was published in recognition of its first successful 75 years. The edition is a comprehensive history of this famous company and its design-led products. With text in English it is profusely illustrated in both colour and monochrome. Hard bound, 591 pages. Dimensions: 25cm x 30cm. Weight: 3.5 kg. Cost: 100 euros
Created: 24th January 2007
Modified: 2nd April 2007